Here at Squalus Marine we love to film wrecks and explore the underwater world! Unfortunately, we don't have the manpower to do all the research on the wrecks we film. Also if you have watched our videos we are awfully deficient in the Marine Biology department. Check out the sites below to learn more about shipwrecks and marine projects!
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New Jersey Scuba Diving, a great place to research wrecks from Long Island New York all the way down to Southern New Jersey! Check out their extensive research on local wrecks!
Our good friend Captain Dan Berg of The Wreck Valley has an incredible site called Aquaexplorers.com. There are pages and pages of video, images and text regarding local shipwrecks. Also, a bunch of great literature can be purchased for your home scuba library!
Sonar and sonar and sonar images! High quality sonar from our go to Side Scan Sonar connection! Browse some incredible imagery of some historic and unknown shipwrecks. Tons of wreck hunting fodder here!
TRACK SHARKS! How can you not want to look and see where Great White Sharks are at this very moment?! Explore the oceans shark population with this amazing organization. Get data on massive sharks and spy on their comings and goings!
Check out The Atlantic Shark Conservancy and learn about the shark tagging program off Cape Cod MA. Lots of great information here to educate the public on Sharks and their importance in the oceans!
Wreckhunter.net has info and data about local sites in the region. Check out loran numbers and the history of wrecks in the northeastern United States and elsewhere!